Archivo de la etiqueta: persecución

The Forgotten Holocaust: The Roma Fate – El Holocausto olvidado: el destino de los gitanos europeos

In 1945, Walter Winter, a German Roma (actually, Sinto) who survived Auschwitz along with his brother Erich, came back home. At Cloppenburg “the lads with whom we had gone to school and played football were now local authority civil servants”, he remember in his Memoirs, Winter Time.   But this fact didn’t make easier the hard effort to recuperate their property, families and lives after so much suffering: Walter and Erich were send to several concentration and extermination camps (Auschwitz-Birkenau, Ravensbrück and Sachsenhausen), before been forced to serve as soldiers on the Russian front in April 1945. Miraculously, both of them survived. Sigue leyendo