The consortium BESTROM held its first International Meeting at the University of Seville on April 11th 2018. The main objective was to developed the proposal “Beyond Stereotypes: Cultural Exchanges and the Romani Contribution to European Public Spaces” to apply to the HERA Call for 2017 Public Spaces: Culture and Integration in Europe. As the Call states: “The challenge for research is to identify how the relations between culture and integration within the context of public space(s) have been modelled and how they can be better understood in order to contribute to a better world”. Within this framework, BESTROM explores the cultural contribution to Europe’s public spaces of its diverse Romani minorities considering them as agents in the processes of building European shared commons and identities. Approaching them as active subjects of cultural production, the research goes beyond scholarship that treats “Gypsies” as passive objects of “othering”. It’s obvious we want to challenge stereotypes and to promote critical reflection about “otherness”. Sigue leyendo